Vitamin E & Selenium Deficiencies

Antioxidant Supplementation for Optimal Health

The Body’s Natural Defenders

Nutritional Solutions with Potent Antioxidants

Antioxidants support the health of tissues, as they are scavengers of free radicals whose role is to prevent or stop free radical damage, thereby limiting oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them. Supplementation with a comprehensive wellness supplement containing antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium found in Platinum Performance® Equine, can support overall wellness for optimal performance and longevity. Additional supplementation with Platinum Vitamin E or Selenium Yeast may also be needed for horses with advanced needs.

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Supplements with Antioxidant Support for Deficient Horses

Platinum Performance® Equine
Supplement for All Classes of Horses

Un supplément pour toutes les classes de chevaux

Platinum Performance® Equine Wellness and Performance Formula is a comprehensive nutritional foundation formula for all horses.
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Price starting at US $ 80.00
A Natural Antioxidant

Un antioxydant naturel

Vitamin E works as a natural antioxidant to help maintain normal immune function and support the equine body’s ability to confront free radical activity. It is often used in performance horses that experience temporary muscle soreness or to support neurological health.
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Price starting at US $ 135.00
A Major Antioxidant Trace Mineral for Horses

Oligo-élément et antioxydant majeur

Selenium activates the antioxidant enzyme Glutathione Peroxidase and provides the body with nerve, muscle and joint support. Selenium is also essential for enhancing the antioxidant effects of Vitamin E.
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Price starting at US $ 24.00

Horses with Higher Vitamin E Requirements:

  • Newborn Foals and Growing Horses
  • Gestating and Lactating Mares
  • Performance Horses
  • Horses with Neuromuscular Disorders
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Are There Different Forms of Vitamin E?

Both synthetic and natural vitamin E can be used to supplement the diet. However, the natural form, alpha-tocopherol, is more bioavailable to the horse and is preferable to the synthetic form of vitamin E.

Platinum Vitamin E

A Natural Antioxidant

Vitamin E works as an antioxidant, helping to support cell activity and support the body’s ability to confront free radical activity. It is often used to help performance horses that experience temporary muscle soreness.

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Selenium: Toxicity vs. Deficiency

Typically, toxic selenium levels only become a problem if the horse consumes an extremely large amount at one time or if the horse has consumed upwards of 20 mg/day for an extended period. In reality, a selenium deficiency is far more likely to occur due to the fact that many parts of the United States and Canada have inadequate selenium in the soil. Low selenium intake symptoms include poor fertility and myopathy problems. In addition, selenium deficiency causes a predisposition to immune concerns.

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